Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Bagaimana bisa kau hadir di mimpiku, padahal tak sedikit pun ku rindu dirimu
(The Groove)

Ada kalanya gw bermimpi yang aneh tapi membuat hati berbunga-bunga
pas bangun tidur
Mimpi ketemu orang yang dulunya banget gw taksir
tapi sekarang udah dunno kemana dia
Pokoknya lost contact sama sekali

It makes me feel happy and guilty at the same time

Gw pernah diskusi dengan sahabat gw yang kebetulan anak psikologi tentang hal ini
So far dia bilang itu pertanda gw sehat dan normal
Kadang manusia membutuhkan sarana untuk penyaluran emosi dan pikiran yang tertanam dan sarana yang digunakan adalah mimpi
dan kenapa gw merasa bersalah? Itu karena gw menyadari bahwa ada norma-norma yang dilanggar dalam mimpi itu

oh well, it’s just a dream anyway…

A dream is a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.[1] The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history.

Eugen Tarnow suggests that dreams are ever-present excitations of long-term memory, even during waking life. The strangeness of dreams is due to the format of long-term memory, reminiscent of Penfield & Rasmussen’s findings that electrical excitations of the cortex give rise to experiences similar to dreams. During waking life an executive function interprets long term memory consistent with reality checking. Tarnow's theory is a reworking of Freud's theory of dreams in which Freud's unconscious is replaced with the long-term memory system and Freud's “Dream Work” describes the structure of long-term memory.[16]


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